Data Privacy Policy

At Zumr, we are committed to safeguarding your Personal Data while delivering seamless financial services to you. This Data Privacy and Usage Policy ("Policy") details our approach to managing your Personal Data, emphasizing transparency, security, and your rights as a user.


  • Personal Data: is any information that identifies or can be connected to an individual. This includes the details you provide and the data we collect through your interactions with our Services.
  • Services: encompasses all the financial products and services we offer.
  • Zumr, we, us, our: refers to Zumr as the entity managing your Personal Data under this Policy.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Your Personal Data is integral to the services we offer. We collect and use this data to enhance our service delivery, maintain security, fulfill legal obligations, and improve overall user experience. This can include:

  • Data Collection: We collect a variety of information, including your name, contact details, payment information, transaction history, and other data submitted during the electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) process. Additionally, we gather details about your location through IP addresses and monitor your activities on our platform to tailor our services effectively.
  • Data Usage: We use this data to deliver and refine our services, maintain security, fulfill legal requirements, and conduct affordability assessments before joining an open circle with Zumr. To enhance our service delivery and decision-making, we may employ AI models to analyze the information you submit or that is verified through the Oman Credit and Financial Information Centre, your employer, or international sanction screening lists.

Sharing and Protecting Your Data

  • Internal Sharing: Data within Zumr is shared on a strict need-to-know basis to ensure protection of privacy while maintaining efficient service delivery.
  • External Sharing: We may share your data with regulatory bodies or service providers under strict privacy agreements. This includes sharing circle membership and repayment information with Oman Credit and Financial Information Centre (Mala’a).

Enhanced Data Security

Protecting your Personal Data is our top priority. Our security measures, aligned with our robust cybersecurity policy, include implementing advanced encryption for data in transit and at rest, ruel and role based control, regular security audits, and continuous monitoring. For detailed information, kindly refer to our Cyber Security Policy.

Continuous Monitoring and Compliance

We regularly monitor our data practices to ensure they comply with legal standards and internal policies. Our dedicated team oversees these efforts, ensuring adherence to data privacy commitments.


This Policy may evolve to reflect changes in our services, legal landscape, or user feedback. Regular reviews ensure its relevance and effectiveness.